BanG Dream! / Characters list / Yukina Minato

Name Yukina Minato
湊 友希那
Band Band Roselia
School Yotsuba Women's University
Color #5a46a9
CV Aiba Aina
CV (Japanese) 相羽 あいな
Birthday October 26
Height 155 cm
Liked food Honey tea, Cookies made by Lisa
Disliked food Bitter melon (and other bitter things)
Astrological Sign Astrological Sign Scorpio
Instrument Vocals
Hobbies None
Yukina is a powerful vocalist, sparking the admiration of the other Roselia members. She has a strong-willed and stubborn personality and doesn't smile much in public. She pursues her beliefs with reckless devotion, causing her to be blind to everything else around her. She is best friends with Imai Lisa and considers Mitake Ran somewhat of a rival. She has a weak spot for cats. She is a first-year student at the Faculty of Arts - Music Department, Composition Course.
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