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January 10, 2019 06:07:16 +0000 (UTC)

Someone gave the me the idea  Thank yoU  and i just i drew i took up one page just to draw THIS, I'm...

Someone gave the me the idea (Thank yoU) and i just i drew i took up one page just to draw THIS, I'm sorry and you're welcome

December 09, 2018 22:09:56 +0000 (UTC)


Alright, the survey is closed and it got 47 answers! hOLY fuck In this post I'll be talking about the answers! They were all very entertaining to read! (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)

  1. best girl? According to the graph, the most popular girls are Moca and Kokoro, both at 10,6%! I'm proud!

  2. best band? HHW takes the lead at 34,9%, while Pasupare seconds at 20,9%! I AM REALLY PROUD! HHW FOR THE WIN!!

  3. any other mobages? A fair amount of you said none, but those who do play other games answered mostly with SIF, Fire Emblem and Utapri, which I play as well!

  4. if you are into other mobages, best girls? HUGE SHOUT OUT TO THE PEOPLE WHO SAID "id take a bullet for ruby kurosawa" AND "maki nishikino could rip out my eyeballs and i'd say yes please do it again" BECAUSE THOSE ARE BIG MOODS

  5. why is your best girl... your best girl? Nothing to say except that I put this question in here because I love reading your essays on why you love your girls, so shout out to the people who wrote a paragraph about Moca, wrote a small text about Kanon because they didn't wanna ramble, and the person who wrote about how Arisa isn't just a tsundere (which is completely true btw I loved reading that), I love you!! The people who wrote "shes a lesbian" for Kaoru are very valid too!

  6. any card(s) you are saving up for?? There's a variety of cards that people talked about so I won't talk about them in depth, but I hope all of you get your dream cards! I myself am anxiously saving for White Day Misaki! And for the people who aren't, well, that's your choice but I've found out it's much more satisfying to get a card if you saved up for it!

  7. is kokoro good? Yes.

  8. on a good girl scale, how good is hagumi? The vast majority of people answered 10000000, but I am very sad some people say 0! I AM SEVERELY DISAPPOINTED SHE DESERVES BETTER- (i swear this is a joke)

  9. bye wade! 59,6% of you answered "bye yukio!!" and I am proud of every single one of you.

Overall, I had fun making the survey and reading all of your answers. So I wouldn't mind doing this again! (✿´ ꒳ ` )

August 22, 2018 16:13:49 +0000 (UTC)


My little sister was showing off her EN ac with 5 4*(she all got them on single pulls that were NOT during drefes)and she decided to do a solo yolo on the latest roselia jp gacha and got the new Sayo.Wtf where’s my luck

December 30, 2018 13:39:02 +0000 (UTC)


Code names for the bandori girls

Roselia edition

Yukina: cat loving diva

Sayo: sayonara carrots

Lisa: modern-ass lesbian

Ako: chuunibyou oneechan daisuki

Rinko: rinkowo

December 30, 2018 15:10:46 +0000 (UTC)


Code names for the bandori girls

Harohapi edition

Kokoro: happy! lucky! gay!

Kaoru: fleeting lesbian playing guitar

Hagumi: bitch croquets

Kanon: some disney-princess lookin jellyfish

Misaki: wanna hear a joke? my life

May 25, 2018 01:42:42 +0000 (UTC)


before april 2018

me: i love sif, so much, honoka (MY WAIFU AND BEST GIRL!!) appeared on my screen telling me to scout and i did and i solo'd valentine's mari UR and OMG HONK IS TOTALLY GOD CONFIRMED. also i finally FC'd nicopuri EX and my GOD that was a trip. and also i did a step up for μ's 2nd years and prayed for a honoka UR and sif delivered IN THE FORM OF HER GODDAMN BROKEN NECK INITIAL but then i did another scout praying for china dress koto but got devil umi which is totally fine since i lovelovelove umi-chan desu and also have i mentioned daydream warrior is the bop of the century omg i've loved it since the preview came out also GNGK is severely underrated and a masterpiece and imo bibi kinda sucks except for the cutie panther single bc natsu owaranaide saved their asses from 6th place on subunits list taking 5th instead while cyaron takes 6th i love cyaron since chika and you and ruby are all top 5 and i love their characters and voices but besides yozora the music just doesn't sound good to me idfk. also can we talk about how deep and complex characters honoka, kotori, hanayo, nico, chika, yoshiko, mari and ruby are? well like all the characters are really deep and complex, except for maybe umi which is a fucking shame considering she had a lot of potential to be and i still love the heck outta that girl despite her not getting as much development as i'd hoped for. hanamaru also didn't live up to my s2 expectations but the manga and s1 really did enough for her imo, while they did nothing for ruby and lookie here she got a whole s2 arc. anyways i'm crocheting a blanket with little pixel designs of the lovelive characters because i love sif oh and i forgot, my honoka ita bag is complete and my naka-kon lineup consists solely of lovelive cosplays because what else is even relevant at this point and--

friend: yeah, ur so right, but like, did u hear that bandori is getting an EN release? i've never played but it looks fun :)

me: i might give it a shot seems boring tho idk, the show was a shit excuse for an anime idk

me now

me: i love bang dream girls band party, so much, every time kaoru (MY WAIFU AND BEST GIRL!!) appears on my screen or anything i feel a smile creep up my lips OH MY GOD. also i got her initial 3 star and then i saved for her phantom thief 3 star and it came home first pull along with a dupe 4 star saaya which i should have been disappointed about but oh my god??? baby came home???? kaoru is such a fake top i love it i wanna call HER little kitten to see how she reacts and have an ultimate Battle of the Baes to see who is the ultimate prince, me or her and oh ye i 4got am i the only one who prefers tsugutomo to tomohima? i like tomohima and all but the way himari is like "if only u were a guy..." it just wouldn't be healthy for tomoe yknow??? also sayohina are such a realistic and complex pair of sisters, sayo seemed super boring to me at first, like a mean-ass dia but now i see how relatable she is it's amazing!!! i can't wait for kaoru's first 4 star ahhh but my little sister got into the game and solo'd away 5000 gems UGH i hATE my lIFE there goes 5000 gems with only a rinko initial 3 star to show for it not that i don't like rinko she was one of the first girls i liked in the game it's just that i was saving for kaoru yknow and it was all solo'd away just like that i really need an app locker i guess or to get my own ipad. i finally FC'd guren no yumiya on hard and that isn't a big achievement i know but to me it was and soon i was FCing EX songs and i can't clear most 25 star difficulty songs yet but i'm getting there i promise. i love hello happy world character interactions so much also saaya and tomoe make such a strong drumming brotp i swear. also i want rimi and lisa to be like best friends, i know it's a weird combo but i feel like they'd be really good for each other and lisa deserves the validation and friendship of someone who actually realizes her worth like rimi would because yukilisa can be nice but yknow lisa is someone who needs that constant validation for her self-confidence's sake and the relationship is SOOOO one-sided she's always helping yukina and yukina does nothing for her (if you're actually reading all of this comment "bless" somewhere in your comment in the comments section c:) and you could argue that "just being there for yukina" makes lisa happy enough but dOES iT???? also i actually really like popipa, kasumi's voice is so satisfying and malleable to fit the needs of any song i could listen to it all day long did i mention that kaoru is my wife oh yeah and

friend: played lovelive lately? the new event is so much fun. also, your waifu isn't honoka anymore? hasn't honoka been your waifu for 3 years? more than half the amount of time you've been obsessed with lovelive?

me: ...

me: ...lovelive? whomst? honoka? what? not ringing a bell srry

December 10, 2018 04:20:43 +0000 (UTC)


So... about those new event cards... here are my thoughts







December 23, 2018 16:04:35 +0000 (UTC)


I'm taking a break from everything, I'm sorry fams. I'll still be on here but I've completely lost my account and I'm frustrated as all heck with life events to if you want to talk just message me on instagram at here and on discord at poeticshit #8724. bye for now fam. I'm sorry to be leaving

December 21, 2018 09:47:21 +0000 (UTC)

Hi I’m posting this to get Sayo and also to be an annoying shit again

Hi I’m posting this to get Sayo and also to be an annoying shit again

December 20, 2018 09:22:52 +0000 (UTC)


The people in japan think I am cosplaying as Hanamaru. Dafuq?????? THIS IS HOW I LOOK GODDAMMIT!