Players list / IHateMyself

IHateMyself avatar


Hi there, fellow bandori player, nice to meet you.

You can call me Haruka. Or actually anything.

I'm just a loser whose hobbies are eating like a tank, crying for days, sleeping for so long I defeat Sleeping Beauty, browsing the internet for memes and fanfics, making messed-up and horrible looking edits, writing weird fanfictions, daydreaming for ages, being abnormal, voice-acting (I am a self-proclaimed voice actress) and hating everyone irl. That's all. I'm pretty bad at expressing myself.

I'm a huge fan of Roselia, and the girl I relate to is Hikawa Sayo - however, do know that everyone is valid. All twenty-five of them are beautiful, talented, drop-dead gorgeous queens. I love everyone, they are my most loving moms, sisters and d a u g h t e r s - says the eleven-year-old trash memer.

I have a Wattpad, its HarukaChanSakuraka, and I'm also on School Idol Tomodachi, under HarukaChan (EN)

Thanks for coming to my ranting session of a self-introduction. Glad to meet you.

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