BanG Dream! / Characters list / Chisato Shirasagi

Name Chisato Shirasagi
白鷺 千聖
Band Band Pastel*Palettes
School Yotsuba Women's University
Color #ffefaa
CV Uesaka Sumire
CV (Japanese) 上坂 すみれ
Birthday April 6
Height 152 cm
Liked food Tea, refreshing flavors, acai fruit
Disliked food Natto (fermented soybeans)
Astrological Sign Astrological Sign Aries
Instrument Bass
Hobbies Having tea at cafés, going shopping
A young actress who has been active in the field since her roles as a child actress. She is polite and very responsible. Prior to joining Pastel Palettes, she was a child actress and did not know how to play the bass. She cherishes friends whom she can hang out with without needing to hold back. Her hobbies include shopping and having tea at cafes. Outside of the band, she is also friends with Matsubara Kanon and Seta Kaoru. She is a first-year student at the Faculty of Humanities.
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