BanG Dream! / Characters list / Kasumi Toyama

Name Kasumi Toyama
戸山 香澄
Band Band Poppin'Party
School Hanasakigawa Girls' Academy
3 - A
School year Third
Color #ff5522
CV Aimi
CV (Japanese) 愛美
Birthday July 14
Height 156 cm
Liked food French fries, white rice
Disliked food Natto (fermented soybeans)
Astrological Sign Astrological Sign Cancer
Instrument Guitar & Vocals
Hobbies Karaoke, going on adventures, trying new things
She is highly active and always positive girl. Since she entered high school, she's been searching for something sparkling that could make her heart flutter. Along the way, she encountered a girl with a bright red star-shaped guitar, and since then, it's become her dream to form a girl band. She has a younger sister in her family of 4, but it's not exactly clear who acts like the elder.
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