BanG Dream! / Characters list / Lisa Imai

Name Lisa Imai
今井 リサ
Band Band Roselia
School Yotsuba Women's University
1st Year
Color #c8463b
CV Nakashima Yuki
CV (Japanese) 中島由貴
Birthday August 25
Height 158 cm
Liked food Chicken stew, sour foods
Disliked food Green smoothies
Astrological Sign Astrological Sign Virgo
Instrument Bass
Hobbies Knitting
With her flamboyant looks, Lisa is easily misunderstood as frivolous, but is actually a compassionate and faithful person. She has a lot of friends due to her stylishness and bright personality. Lisa follows gyaru fashion, but keeps her interest in knitting a secret, since it does not match her image. She is a proficient bassist, wowing the other Roselia members in her audition, and is good at baking cookies. She is best friends with Minato Yukina. Outside of the band, she is also friends with Aoba Moca. She is a first-year student at the Faculty of International Studies. Previously voiced by Endō Yurika (遠藤 ゆりか) until 13 May, where she stepped down due to health concerns and left the industry entirely.
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