BanG Dream! / Characters list / Tae Hanazono

Name Tae Hanazono
花園 たえ
Band Band Poppin'Party
School Hanasakigawa Girls' Academy
3 - B
School year Third
Color #0077dd
CV Otsuka Sae
CV (Japanese) 大塚紗英
Birthday December 4
Height 164 cm
Liked food Hamburger steak, red-bean soup, basically anything!
Disliked food None! (Nothing too weird, though...)
Astrological Sign Astrological Sign Sagittarius
Instrument Guitar
Hobbies Running (no marathons), working with clay, taking long baths
She started playing the guitar in elementary school, and is very skilled at it. As a huge lover of music, she started working part-time at a live house upon entering high school. Her favorite item is her blue guitar that she bought using money that she saved. A natural airhead who lives at her own pace, she sometimes surprises the people around her with her unexpected moves. She lives with her parents and 20 rabbits.
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