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June 17, 2023 18:15:17 +0000 (UTC)

on june 6, it was my 2nd bandori anniversary! i’m a TEENSY bit late  11 days lol , but here’s what...

on june 6, it was my 2nd bandori anniversary! i’m a TEENSY bit late (11 days lol), but here’s what I’ve got done in this game in 2 full years!

  • rank: 147
  • band ranks- popipa: 36 / afterglow: 39 / pasupare: 32 / roselia: 36 / harohapi: 34 / monica: 31 / ras: 31
  • cleared songs- easy: 7 / normal: 20 / hard: 429 / expert: 429 / special: 83
  • full comboed songs- easy: 3 / normal: 1 / hard: 429 / expert: 424 / special: 78
  • all perfected songs- easy + normal + special : 0 / hard: 19 / expert: 18
  • total high score rating: 7990
  • total 4 star cards: 60
  • highest event placement: 1440th place in the “Ragtime at wind and sea” event
  • hardest songs full comboed (refer to picture): catastrophe banquet and rokuchounen (both 29s full comboed today!!) THIS GAME HAS BEEN MY HYPERFIXATION FOR OVER 2 YEARS NOW!!! aaaaa love u banpa community
May 30, 2023 15:36:51 +0000 (UTC)


Hello darlings! I have decended from the bandori fandom here! Ill be posting edits, art, and many more things! Stay tuned!~

April 26, 2023 21:38:17 +0000 (UTC)

Hi this is my first post on here, I thought I'd like to start sharing some edits I made, starting...

Hi this is my first post on here, I thought I'd like to start sharing some edits I made, starting off with Kanon!

April 27, 2023 09:17:28 +0000 (UTC)


Hi, I'm Kenjikenzie and I will be putting all the full combos I get on Expert songs on my YouTube channel to prove I have completed them!

April 27, 2023 03:33:57 +0000 (UTC)


Introduction Post ?!

Hi to those who see this, my name is Lucy B or Cloverly and I've finally decided to try to become active in the Bandori fanbase! I genuinely don't remember when I first got the game (Somewhere 4-5 years ago at some point; I was either in middle school or just started high school) and it's one of my favorite rhythm games! A while back (a year or two ago) I lost the time to be able to play frequently so I'm only now coming back to it! I've always loved the characters and their designs (though I've lost track of the story and doubt I'll find the energy to catch all the way up) so I'm glad to finally be back and kicking.
I hope that I can make some friends here!