BanG Dream! / Characters list / Eve Wakamiya

Name Eve Wakamiya
若宮 イヴ
Band Band Pastel*Palettes
School Hanasakigawa Girls' Academy
3 - B
School year Third
Color #c7ccfe
CV Hata Sawako
CV (Japanese) 秦 佐和子
Birthday June 27
Height 163 cm
Liked food Gingerbread cookies
Disliked food Pickled foods
Astrological Sign Astrological Sign Cancer
Instrument Keytar
Hobbies Watching period dramas
Eve has an honest and friendly personality to everyone. She is in the same class as Kasumi Toyama and many other members of Poppin' Party. Before joining Pastel*Palettes, she was a model at the same agency. She is notably taller than the other members of her band. Eve is from Finland and finds Japanese culture exciting, often citing bushido, the code of Japanese warriors. She strongly admires Bushido. Her father is Japanese, and her mother, Finnish.
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