BanG Dream! / Characters list / Kokoro Tsurumaki

Name Kokoro Tsurumaki
弦巻 こころ
Band Band Hello, Happy World!
School Hanasakigawa Girls' Academy
3 - E
School year Third
Color #ffe600
CV Miku Itou
CV (Japanese) 美来 伊藤
Birthday August 8
Height 155 cm
Liked food Anything at all!
Disliked food None!
Astrological Sign Astrological Sign Leo
Instrument Vocals
Hobbies Looking for fun things to do
Kokoro loves watching people smile, and her goal in life is to make the world smile. Despite her appearance, she is the only daughter of an extremely wealthy family. Her hobby is looking for fun things to do. Whenever she finds something that makes her feel "I want to do this!", she will do whatever it takes to make it come true. She's very curious, and her eyes are always dazzling.
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