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January 13, 2023 21:15:01 +0000 (UTC)


everyone is talking about the new update, so I’ll give my two cents too.

things I like- playing as misaki! i wanted that for so long. character ranks are okay, but nothing I’m too excited about. the battle pass styled awards isn’t my personal fave, but free stars, so I’m not complaining. the 3dmv should be cool.

things I don’t like- new 5 star rarity. all of my four stars are going to go down a rate, and that grinds my gears. I don’t like the new art style all that much, it looks kinda bland. the making costumes is just unnecessary, considering that all of the sets of cards have very similar costumes.

overall, idk if I will like this update. Rip my iPad storage lol

January 10, 2023 06:34:49 +0000 (UTC)

Even after and looking at the Rinko cards I’ve missed for 2 years, her “Stage Outfit” 4  is the best...

Even after and looking at the Rinko cards I’ve missed for 2 years, her “Stage Outfit” 4* is the best of the best. idc. The “Me and My Piano” 4* go 2nd and the Bride Rinko (black or white) goes 3rd…The new cards really look so good, it got me liek “damn, I missed THESE?!”

Anyways, here’s a unfinished sketch of Rinko “Stage Outfit” 4*…The more I look at it, it’s becoming more ugliee, so shower the sketch with lots of love

January 07, 2023 10:27:25 +0000 (UTC)

pov: cleared hell or hell on special yesterday after practicing it for ab 3 months  been practicing...

pov: cleared hell or hell on special yesterday after practicing it for ab 3 months (been practicing it since it released on the EN server)

If you want some tips for how to clear it

  1. Practice. lots and LOTS of practice (I practiced it at least once a day and at max 5 times before I finally cleared it)
  2. use tap effects 5 and directional effect decrease, this imo helps you see the notes better as they're the least dramatic effects (Btw I played this at speed 10.9 with 160% note size with note type 5)
  3. I recommend using an all healer team, with skills at level 5 for maximum health gain

If these tips ended up helping, please let me know <3

February 02, 2019 10:34:03 +0000 (UTC)


Crossover edit of Lisa and Valentine Dia from Aqours!


Craft Egg please give Lisa this hairstyle she looks so cute

Originally Lisa also had Dia's tiara but I prefer this version. Here is the link to the tiara one.

November 01, 2019 20:12:06 +0000 (UTC)

Backlog of images  6

       4 Koma  139. That's the end of the backlog. Now, it wouldn't be right...

Backlog of images #6

4-Koma #139. That's the end of the backlog. Now, it wouldn't be right to not do an image for every girl, would it?
January 10, 2023 03:59:19 +0000 (UTC)


can i just say. i hate most of the big changes bandori is adding.

they are literally just turning it into project sekai at this point and it’s so fucking frustrating to see something that i love be clogged up with useless pay to win features that NOBODY WANTS.

sure, mastery rank can improve talent, and sure you get rewards from that dumbass battle pass thing. and sure, whatever 5stars. cool! 3d mvs, wow, awesome!

but at the same time, bandori has been fine without them for YEARS. it’s biggest appeal over project sekai has always been the lack of unnecessary features to overcomplicate what is a simple concept: collect cute anime girl and note go tap tap.

these are, in my opinion, some of the worst features of project sekai. and now they’re going to be in bandori. great.

i guess it’s dumb to be upset about a gacha game being play to win,, but that’s what i liked about bandori. it’s got pay to win aspects like every gacha game will, but it’s always been so much more focused on the characters and the cards and the stories.

not features stolen from another game that most people won’t touch after a week and will end up just eating up more storage JUST LIKE THEY ALREADY DO IN PROJECT SEKAI.

it’s just… so frustrating. i am very, very unhappy. maybe this is a pessimistic take but frankly i think that by trying to clone project sekai, bandori is going to run it’s already dwindling support into the ground.

because nobody likes a knockoff, ESPECIALLY at the expense of a good game.

sorry if you’re excited for any of this stuff. i just cannot force myself to feel anything positive about the bastardisation of one of my favourite games & biggest special interests!

January 10, 2023 17:24:37 +0000 (UTC)


I summarized the livestream covering the HUGE updates to come for Bandori's 6th year anniversary in this video below!

Check it out on news for the new 3D mode, 3D costumes, 5* rarity cards and more!

January 09, 2023 16:23:49 +0000 (UTC)


I'm so happy that we will be able to choose between Misaki and Michelle! Can't wait for this to also be on global server (=⌒‿‿⌒=)


February 21, 2022 04:06:14 +0000 (UTC)

Hey guys, I really just am here, to use card photos. 🥴 age   10 ;; fav bandori girl : MOCA ;; plays...

Hey guys, I really just am here, to use card photos. 🥴 age - 10 ;; fav bandori girl : MOCA ;; plays roblox!

January 22, 2020 18:30:17 +0000 (UTC)

Soooo I made another edit, this one is probably my sloppiest because Kokoro’s clothes were covering...

Soooo I made another edit, this one is probably my sloppiest because Kokoro’s clothes were covering lots of her hair so I had to draw in her hair . . . If you zoom in you can see where I had to sloppily draw it, lol but . . . Yeah :)