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December 31, 2018 12:50:04 +0000 (UTC)

I just wanna say happy new year to everyone and that hopefully everyone's dreamfes dreams came true...

I just wanna say happy new year to everyone and that hopefully everyone's dreamfes dreams came true I'm glad I get to spend another year in idol hell with you goobers hopefully we have many more together have a great day everybody

December 31, 2018 20:21:41 +0000 (UTC)


Guys, it's nearly a new year and I have a confession to make.

Y'all remember when someone posted "Bushido dad is one of the most well known users on this site." and I commented "But...I don't know who that is." and everyone thought I was joking, so I went with it.

I actually didn't know who BD was :')

(I do now. No worries)

December 31, 2018 15:26:00 +0000 (UTC)


Happy new years~~!

And to Love Live!-rs:- Happy birthday Dia Kurosawa!

(Its technically 23:25 who cares right? Its past midnight at Japan anyway~)

December 27, 2018 16:54:48 +0000 (UTC)


Welp... the worst for me almost happened. I almost was scouted to be Amaterasu in a No play. because I have the appearance of a goddess according to the japanese locals. AND I DON'T KNOW A THING ABOUT THEATER besides WATCHING IT! RIP RealSayo 1989-2019 x_x

Not to mention that besides the usual attitude codes within a theater. there are VERY specific codes that MUST be done within the No theater. and I don't know a THING about it.
December 29, 2018 09:46:21 +0000 (UTC)

For those who wonder what is all perfect.....
100% accuracy is AP.
Example above:
  Blue dot:...

For those who wonder what is all perfect..... 100% accuracy is AP. Example above:

  • Blue dot: perfect/geki
  • Green dot: great/Katu
  • Yellow dot: good/bad.
  • Rex X: miss
  • Green line below: my HP during the song.
I chose Easy difficulty because it's the only difficulty I can assure FC,AP.
In normal and hard I do get FC but not AP