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April 26, 2023 15:38:43 +0000 (UTC)



can we connect kaoru seta to the book 1984? kind of.

kaoru seta is a character from the series bang dream! girl's band party. she is seen as the prince of her school and she is very well known all around... if we really do think about it, there is one comic strip where Yukina realizes that kaoru isn't the weird one, but the ones around her are the weird ones. why? because they all fall for kaoru even after the way she acts, which is seen as weird by most (most in real life I mean). so, in a way, we can think that kaoru seta is manipulating the girls whom she dubs her little kittens. bringing us to the comparison of the book written by George Orwell (not his real name but that is not the point) on June 8, 1949, titled 1984. the book in a really short summary is about a guy that is being watched by his government and lives in an apocalyptic-looking city. Because he is being watched, it causes him to change his attitude. there is. the very specific set of rules by the government that if he breaks he is tortured, so he has to act almost like a puppet towards the government. so this arises an almost impossible theory that kaoru seta is recording her little kittens. it makes sense, she calls people her little kittens when she first sees them to kind of let them know she is their owner now. She wouldn't say "little kitten" she always says "my little kitten". She chooses this. She could very well just say little kitten but she chooses not to. meaning it's like a command. she might use manipulative techniques like being in an all-girls school and acting like a prince simply to get more victims. kaoru is big sister and she is watching you.

February 09, 2023 14:43:23 +0000 (UTC)



I have found a song that contains happiness!

I hope everyone like it OwO

April 22, 2023 15:33:56 +0000 (UTC)

my phone is not picking up my taps. it's making me mad. 
when im using it normally i don't notice...

my phone is not picking up my taps. it's making me mad. when im using it normally i don't notice any weird bumps or my touch not being picked up. i don't believe it to be a skill issue neither (haha), cause i haven't been inactive, QUITE THE OPPOSITE, I'VE TIERED IN 2 EVENTS ON A ROLL NOW.

what the fvck man... i might try recalibrating that thingy..

any tips to help me avoid this? or something like that-?

February 07, 2022 02:09:23 +0000 (UTC)

  See the reason why Roselia covered this song ?  

      not the exact reason but

See the reason why Roselia covered this song-?

not the exact reason but-
April 09, 2023 16:03:37 +0000 (UTC)


creator of challenge is yugiri, thanks! link: bored-out-of-my-mind-soooo-I-thought-I-d-make-a-challenge-for-y-all-it-s-called-the-bang-dreamer-s

your best girl! (hagumi)

your fave supporting character! (harumi (not hagumi))

least fave girl! (rinko i think )

least fave supporting character! (Shifuna Tsuzuki)

girl(s)who you have the most 4*s of! (4. chisato. from. one. gacha.)

fave original(s)! (sakuraaaaaa memoriiies, sakura zensen, hey day capricio, goka gokai phantom theif)

least fave original(s)! (umm unstoppable or exist)

fave cover(s)! (tracing a dream, alien alien, bon appetite s, megitsune, Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou)

least fave cover(s)! (unravel)

date joined! (joined nov 13, 2021)

anddd that’s it!