BanG Dream! / Characters list / Aya Maruyama

Name Aya Maruyama
丸山 彩
Band Band Pastel*Palettes
School Yotsuba Women's University
Color #ffc1dc
CV Maeshima Ami
CV (Japanese) 前島亜美
Birthday December 27
Height 156 cm
Liked food Hamburger steak, rice omelets
Disliked food Octopus
Astrological Sign Astrological Sign Capricorn
Instrument Vocals
Hobbies Social media, trying to get that perfect selfie
Aya admires idols and entered the entertainment industry as a probationary idol in the hopes of becoming one; however, she is easily nervous and cries easily when things go wrong and she's overwhelmed by her emotions. She has stage fright and so she has weak improvisation, so she has yet to achieve a breakthrough. After three years, she finally gets her chance to become an idol by becoming a part of Pastel*Palettes. She is a first-year student at the Faculty of Humanities.
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