BanG Dream! / Characters list / Kaoru Seta

Name Kaoru Seta
瀬田 薫
Band Band Hello, Happy World!
School Yotsuba Women's University
Color #a441b9
CV Tadokoro Azusa
CV (Japanese) 田所 あずさ
Birthday February 28
Height 170 cm
Liked food [In character] Grape juice (in wine glass), Sachertorte, Vichyssoise [For real] Rice cakes miso soup
Disliked food Raw seafood
Astrological Sign Astrological Sign Pisces
Instrument Guitar
Hobbies Reading philosophy books
Kaoru is a celebrity at her school and belongs to the theater department there. She is very popular with ladies, who she dubs her "little kittens". In particular, Uehara Himari and Rimi Ushigome have a tendency of blushing furiously in her presence. She likes to read philosophical books and poetry, but doesn't really understand it. Outside of the band, she is also friends with Shirasagi Chisato. She is a first-year student at the Faculty of Arts - Theatre Department, Acting Program.
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