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March 31, 2020 15:03:58 +0000 (UTC)

Happy April Fools’!

I still don’t know what the arcade thing is . . . I can’t do it right now...

Happy April Fools’!

I still don’t know what the arcade thing is . . . I can’t do it right now cause I have to have breakfast but I’ll check it out later!

March 31, 2020 20:21:21 +0000 (UTC)


Wait, we didn't really get the Michelle April Fool story last year on EN (other than the title screen and the bundles) does this mean we wont get the April Fool stories this year?

March 31, 2020 21:15:14 +0000 (UTC)

is this part of the april fools event????? people can hit a score of 3 million and more???? what???...

is this part of the april fools event????? people can hit a score of 3 million and more???? what??? wow ok that’s epic..?!?

anyways, happy april fools day to the people who are a day ahead of us, i’m still in march heh

April 01, 2024 23:55:46 +0000 (UTC)


Does anyone know what you mean by "have you reviewed the songs?" Could you help me?