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May 07, 2018 16:03:37 +0000 (UTC)


okay can i just say how much i love the characterization in this game?? unlike some other idol games with these characters that feel the same in personality there are so many different characters in bandori and i just cant get enough of it

ive never seen a harsh and cold character with reason behind their actions and a character separate from those actions until chisato, ive never seen a complex and borderline broken sibling relationship in an idol game until hina and sayo, ive never seen a truly realistic friend group thats survived 10+ years until afterglow, and ive never seen a character that struggles with connecting with "other people" until hina

honestly the characters in this game rival games like enstars in the characterization aspect because these 25 girls feel so real and wonderful to me???? sorry for long ramble post thats been done so many times at this point but damn i live this game

May 09, 2018 19:04:17 +0000 (UTC)


@ craftegg: ya better give tsugumi the cutest 4* or else.....


May 09, 2018 05:56:14 +0000 (UTC)


TSUGUMI LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! still....i feel like she's only a 3* from the quality of the card....but....ill hope...its not?????


May 09, 2018 18:49:47 +0000 (UTC)

and this right here is the best afterglow girl and you all better stop sleeping on her

and this right here is the best afterglow girl and you all better stop sleeping on her

May 08, 2018 19:23:35 +0000 (UTC)


been seeing a lot of these unpopular opinion posts recently 🤔

just wanted to remind you all that everyone is entitled to an opinion and it's okay if you're in the minority about some things!

but the line between unpopular opinions and hateful comments is a very thin one, so please think about how you write your opinions! we don't want anyone to fight or feel offended!

we just want everyone here to get along〜☆

May 08, 2018 21:11:20 +0000 (UTC)


unpopular opinions hello! or just opinions bc idk what is really unpopular in the fanbase yet jkdfhs

  • tae deserves more love... i feel biased for saying this because she's my best girl but i haven't seen her get much attention out of the popipa girls... i love her personality its so silly yet mature? hard to explain but she seems so laidback all the time while keeping a cool and kind demeanor. i really love her for it

  • i think popipa has the best songs, i love their rock sound (afterglow too but i prefer popipa in terms of songs)

  • roselia is good as well but i don't find their songs as breathtaking as people make them seem? idk sorry jdfhs

  • i find eve's voice really cute and a little soothing

  • misaki's staged "confession" for kanon in the phantom thief event was so cute and made my heart skip a beat irl

  • tsuguran is a cute ship as well as taerimi

  • while i love popipa as a whole i am having a hard time fully liking arisa... i don't like to dislike characters and i know she does care about the members deep down, but its hard for me to like her completely, her mean demeanor is just ;_; ack why... she's growing on me a little though so i hope i can come to like her as a whole

May 09, 2018 04:38:38 +0000 (UTC)


Oh wait, I just realized I do have an unpopular opinion.

-I love flick notes, they make the game more fun

That is all, thanks for reading.

May 08, 2018 11:45:43 +0000 (UTC)


Jumping on to this unpopular opinion bandwagon:

  1. I feel like a lot of people don’t like Yukina and Sayo because they’re too harsh, but honestly I just feel like they’re awkward people that just don’t know how to get their feelings across properly a lot of the time.
  2. I really can’t see Kaoru x Chisato working out. I know it’s a popular ship, but I really don’t see any chemistry between them, and honestly feels like it’d be pretty one-sided.
  3. The last harihapi set was kinda ugly. As much as I want to hug Michelle in that costume (I feel so sorry for misaki though she must be dying in all those layers I want to hug her too) the bright colours hurt my eyes.
  4. I like a lot of roselia’s original songs but some of their covers are meh
May 09, 2018 00:03:47 +0000 (UTC)


unpopular opinion chisato is a queen and you guys are all fucking crazy

May 09, 2018 19:41:02 +0000 (UTC)


hagumi and maya are Perfect and don't get the recognition they deserve within the fandom