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October 16, 2019 10:40:10 +0000 (UTC)


i have no school tomorrow. and you know what else is tomorrow?

rinko's birthday. so basically, i get off on best girl's birthday, aka a religious holiday.

October 12, 2019 09:32:45 +0000 (UTC)

And here we go again Fam, do not rest on your laurels yet, because we are already at the next stop...

And here we go again Fam, do not rest on your laurels yet, because we are already at the next stop of our Happy Party Train! (no pun intended) and if two days ago we congratulate Saechi, today we have to celebrate the birthday of a lady whose smile is probably the fuel to light the day of most of us (I mean seriously, just look at her when she smiles !) and the voice of the vocalist/leader of HaroHapi!

So a very Happy! Lucky! Smile! Birthday to Miku! Let's hope you can keep giving us more years of unforgettable characters!

As always If anyone wants to know more about her be sure to chek Smol's HaroHapi Seiyuu introduction post

see you all in other two days for our next stop
October 10, 2019 12:08:12 +0000 (UTC)

here we go again Fam, If you think Misaki will be the only celebration in this month better get...

here we go again Fam, If you think Misaki will be the only celebration in this month better get ready because we're going for another crazy long ride for birthdays this month!

And our next stop? Rabbit land, well...not exactly but quite close because today we congrats the lady who gives not only her voice but also her awesome skills to our adorable air headed guitarist of PoPiPa.

So a very happy Birthday Saechi! and Let's hope you can keep giving us more years of unforgettable characters!

As always If anyone wants to know more about her be sure to chek Smol's Poppin' Party Seiyuu introduction post

October 09, 2019 06:08:00 +0000 (UTC)

Happy Birthday To Me!!! Someone gave me an account with 10 4⭐️ so Thank You!! 🥺

Happy Birthday To Me!!! Someone gave me an account with 10 4⭐️ so Thank You!! 🥺

October 03, 2019 21:25:59 +0000 (UTC)

just realized I forgot to post this birthday drawing of Misaki on here, whoops.... anyways happy...

just realized I forgot to post this birthday drawing of Misaki on here, whoops.... anyways happy late bday Misaki!!!

this drawing is also posted on my art tumblr

September 14, 2019 15:24:38 +0000 (UTC)

Hello, Bandori Party friends! XD

I've just arrived to show you my second work!

This is all...

Hello, Bandori Party friends! XD

I've just arrived to show you my second work!

This is all BanG_Dream band member's sign of the zodiac arrangement.

I tried to design for easier viewing, using various transparent images in this site!

You can zoom in this image (1480x3800) for a larger view.

I hope you like it :D Have a nice day! Seeya~

※ 2019-09-18 fix version (Thank you for your comments!)

  • Wakamiya Eve's birthday 27th June (Cancer)
  • None of BanG_Dream characters have their birthday in the period of Aquarius and Gemini.
October 02, 2019 19:18:52 +0000 (UTC)


As a followup to my last comment about having the same birthday as Kanon, I just learned that my BF has the same birthday as Misaki.

Here’s hoping our ship sails as strong as theirs does!