4 years ago
a quick ako and moca for ???? as my art style gets more and more inconsistent :’ 

seriously, I...

a quick ako and moca for ???? as my art style gets more and more inconsistent :’)

seriously, I have no clue who asked for this. when I went back to check, the comment was gone, but since I still wanted to draw them, I did!

thank you guys so much for supporting my art <3 this is one of the best communities I’ve ever been in !!

4 years ago

Alright, I accept the challenge for my EN account

Favorite 4 Star that I own!

Image I got both Yukina and Hagumi on dreamfest solo pulls. This card is just beautiful, especially with the color theme!

Least Favorite 4 Star that I own... (I actually don't have one but it's for the sake of the challenge)

Image I don't bear any hard feelings toward Tsugu or this card, but the colors throw me off!

My Strongest 4 Star!

Image I honestly can't believe how strong this card is! It's probably one of the most strongest cards (if I'm not mistaken)

My First 4 Star!

Image I got this card when I returned to Bandori last year, it's also one of my favorite cards!

My Favorite Bandori Card of All time!

Image If you may or may not know, I am the biggest Arisa simp that ever existed, and this card made me feel a certain way. I really wanted it during the event but it's a shame I didn't get it ;-;

4 years ago

miamiatzo’s 30 day song challenge but I attempt to play random sections of the songs on the piano: day 7

Fav Morfonica song! The verse kinda gives me Roselia vibes . . . I’m hopeless. Yeah that’s all I have to say. That and I can’t play repeated notes when I’m recording, I tense up so much GOD

4 years ago

Sorry if this is annoying but I think this needs to be said

Please credit the original artist / picrew if you want to use the image!!

I know that most of you don't mean to purposely do this but as an artist myself it bothers me when art is just not credited properly or credited at all.

Saying "credit to the person who drew this" or "credit to the artist" isn't giving proper credit. To give proper credit link the original source or put their @ and platform the original artist is on.

Some of the images that I've seen on here the original artist doesn't even allow reposts.

If you want to use the image and have no idea who the original artist is please put it in a reverse image website to find them.

If they don't specify if they allow use or reposts of their art on their pages write them a dm, it doesn't take that long.

Edit: if you cannot find the artist even through reversing the image don't repost the image at all.

I'm sorry for this blunt post but it's just been something on my mind lately.

4 years ago
If you’ve ever considered getting Revue Starlight: ReLIVE, now is really the time to do it! The...

If you’ve ever considered getting Revue Starlight: ReLIVE, now is really the time to do it! The bandori collab just started on the English server and it’s got a ton of rewards so if you want a chance to get the special cards for the event I would highly recommend getting it now! Or even if you just want to see popipa in the game (I think that’s a perfectly fair reason, that in its own is exciting)

plus it’s just really fun overall, it just happens to be that now is the chance to play if you want a chance to see the bandori/starira collab
4 years ago

Heya guys! My name is Miyone Ruko, or Ruko for short! I've been playing this game for a while but I never actually got into the community itself so- yeah hehe It's nice to meet you all! All info about me is on my profile about now. Roselia stans interact!!

4 years ago

miamiatzo’s 30 Day Bandori Challenge!

Day 7: Your favourite ship

I still love RinAri I really do!!! But I talked about them last time and I’m hopelessly obsessed with these two rn. I can’t believe I didn’t realise how compatible they were until the NY event slapped me in the face but ok here goes

As I said yesterday, Arisa is detail-oriented to the point of spending her time stressing over the little things and losing sight of the bigger picture. Yukina is the exact opposite. She might be meticulous when it comes to technicalities in music but with everything else she’s a lot more goal-oriented. She’s good at grasping ideas, which makes her an excellent leader but also leaves her vulnerable to completely falling apart when her plans fail and she has no backup (see both of Roselia’s band stories). The NY event is about AriYuki learning to work together by compensating for each other’s weaknesses and I’m such a sucker for this kinda dynamic

Yukina is also really heckin confident, even when she has no idea what she’s doing, while Arisa has to be thoroughly prepared or she’ll panic. Even when she’s prepared she panics. So during their stint as shrine maidens Arisa memorises the manual they’re given and steps in when Yukina forgets things, and Yukina covers for Arisa when she’s confronted with situations not in the manual. Impeccable content

Naturally their personalities would complement each other in other situations too. Arisa who has a tendency to hesitate and worry instead of act would benefit from being around someone who acts despite her lack of skill at a lot of things. It’d be inspiring, not to mention Yukina is so calm that some of it would rub off on anyone near her. And it’s not like Yukina would be dismissive of Arisa’s worries just bc she doesn’t empathise with them, Yukina is actually really good at listening and connecting to people when she’s not busy being unhealthily fixated on music (like have you seen how patient and respectful she was with Rinko in Prelude Replay). I think she could also show Arisa that it's ok to make mistakes, as someone who’s made plenty but is always able to face them head-on, apologise and try to do better bc her sense of self-worth, unlike Arisa’s, isn’t dependent on her achievements

Meanwhile Arisa would be running around like “Yukina-senpai please don’t touch that there’s a DO NOT TOUCH sign in front of it” and “Yukina-senpai you forgot to pack your lunch so here, I may or may not have done it for you” and eventually it’d become “Yeah she’s a dumbass but a really cool one and more importantly she’s my dumbass.” I-It’s not like she’d say that aloud tho!

4 years ago

miamiatzo’s 30 day song challenge but I attempt to play random sections of the songs on the piano: day 4

Fav Roselia song! Or one of them at least. Do you understand how much I love this song and this part specifically. DO YOU?? I have so many things to say about it but I’ll save those for another post. For now just know I am holding it gently in my hands and sobbing

Also I accidentally played this in the wrong key at first . . . and yesterday I tried to do Luminous from memory as if I wouldn’t get the harmonies horrendously wrong haha. Don’t be like me
4 years ago
Ngl I wanna completely redo my profile again so it would be kinda swagger if you guys could give me...

Ngl I wanna completely redo my profile again so it would be kinda swagger if you guys could give me some cool websites and recourses to make it cooler,,,,,..

4 years ago

Image Image

full previews for Valentin of Temptation! they're so pretty .............

on a different but related note, the expiration date for Navistones that was in place has been removed after considering feedback. I ... honestly expected this to happen, but I didn't expect it to be this fast. good on them for listening to fans! they also once again specified that they carefully consider all feedback and to let them know if you have any suggestions or worries.

though I'm a bit scared that they may adjust the amount of stones you get cause the expiration date to me felt like balancing since the game has been EXTREMELY generous so far. I wouldn't blame them for turning that down a bit (like giving fewer stones for birthdays and adjusting the event rewards), but I love how fast you can save up, so I hope they counterbalance it differently somehow hhh