miamiatzo’s 30 Day Bandori Challenge!
Day 7: Your favourite ship

I still love RinAri I really do!!! But I talked about them last time and I’m hopelessly obsessed with these two rn. I can’t believe I didn’t realise how compatible they were until the NY event slapped me in the face but ok here goes
As I said yesterday, Arisa is detail-oriented to the point of spending her time stressing over the little things and losing sight of the bigger picture. Yukina is the exact opposite. She might be meticulous when it comes to technicalities in music but with everything else she’s a lot more goal-oriented. She’s good at grasping ideas, which makes her an excellent leader but also leaves her vulnerable to completely falling apart when her plans fail and she has no backup (see both of Roselia’s band stories). The NY event is about AriYuki learning to work together by compensating for each other’s weaknesses and I’m such a sucker for this kinda dynamic
Yukina is also really heckin confident, even when she has no idea what she’s doing, while Arisa has to be thoroughly prepared or she’ll panic. Even when she’s prepared she panics. So during their stint as shrine maidens Arisa memorises the manual they’re given and steps in when Yukina forgets things, and Yukina covers for Arisa when she’s confronted with situations not in the manual. Impeccable content
Naturally their personalities would complement each other in other situations too. Arisa who has a tendency to hesitate and worry instead of act would benefit from being around someone who acts despite her lack of skill at a lot of things. It’d be inspiring, not to mention Yukina is so calm that some of it would rub off on anyone near her. And it’s not like Yukina would be dismissive of Arisa’s worries just bc she doesn’t empathise with them, Yukina is actually really good at listening and connecting to people when she’s not busy being unhealthily fixated on music (like have you seen how patient and respectful she was with Rinko in Prelude Replay). I think she could also show Arisa that it's ok to make mistakes, as someone who’s made plenty but is always able to face them head-on, apologise and try to do better bc her sense of self-worth, unlike Arisa’s, isn’t dependent on her achievements
Meanwhile Arisa would be running around like “Yukina-senpai please don’t touch that there’s a DO NOT TOUCH sign in front of it” and “Yukina-senpai you forgot to pack your lunch so here, I may or may not have done it for you” and eventually it’d become “Yeah she’s a dumbass but a really cool one and more importantly she’s my dumbass.” I-It’s not like she’d say that aloud tho!