BanG Dream! / Characters list / Oblivionis

Name (Stage) Oblivionis
Name Togawa Sakiko
豊川 祥子
Band Band Ave Mujica
School Haneoka Girls' Academy
1 - B
School year First
Color #7799cc
CV Takao Kanon
CV (Japanese) 高尾奏音
Birthday February 14
Height 155 cm
Astrological Sign Astrological Sign Aquarius
Instrument Keyboard
A first-year high school student at Haneoka Girls' Academy. She is the well-spoken and elegant daughter of the Togawa family, the owners of Togawa Group. Sakiko formed Ave Mujica with the demand for them to give her their whole life, and devotes herself wholeheartedly to preserving the Ave Mujica lore and worldview.