BanG Dream! / Characters list / Saaya Yamabuki

Name Saaya Yamabuki
山吹 沙綾
Band Band Poppin'Party
School Hanasakigawa Girls' Academy
3 - A
School year Third
Color #ffcc11
CV Ohashi Ayaka
CV (Japanese) 大橋 彩香
Birthday May 19
Height 157 cm
Liked food Spaghetti with Garlic and Chili Pepper, cheese
Disliked food Raw seafood
Astrological Sign Astrological Sign Taurus
Instrument Drums
Hobbies Karaoke, watching baseball, collecting hair accessories
She became good friends with her classmate Kasumi during the high school entrance ceremony, and since then they often eat their bentos together. A kind person who cares deeply about her friends, she often lends an ear to Kasumi. She is also a filial girl, helping out at her family's bakery, Yamabuki Bakery, even during the school term. She has a younger brother and sister. She apparently used to play in a girls' band when she was still in middle school, but now...
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