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July 30, 2020 16:30:20 +0000 (UTC)

    Today is none other than Hello Happy World’s hard working bassist, Hagumi Kitazawa’s birthday!...

Today is none other than Hello Happy World’s hard-working bassist, Hagumi Kitazawa’s birthday! Even though some people may overlook her, Hagumi’s endless passion, spirit, and energy never ceases to brighten her friends’ lives and the whole world. Her parents might see her traits as negative attributes, but they all add to Hagumi to make herself the shining and sunny person she is today. I’ll be cheering Hagumi on and everyone else in Hello Happy World on their quest to make the whole world smile! It may seem like a daunting task, but Hagumi and the other members of Hello Happy World have already helped me greet the day with a wide smile on my face countless times. Keep on dazzling the world with your sparkling and energetic performances, Hagumi!

Happy! Lucky! Smile! Yay!!

dsjfhjdsfhkdjsfhkdjs YEESSSS HAGUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII haha after that paragraph that took me an hour to write i dont have to speak coherent talk any more HAGUMII I LOVE YOU HOPEFULLY YOU HAVE THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVERRRR