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January 31, 2019 08:02:06 +0000 (UTC)


lets converse-


think about ships that have been referenced to in past events. would you like a comeback? i want to see more makes my heart melt just seeing them together and i want more of it! (although not mentioned yet, kaoari would be an interesting combination...)

what are some rarepairs you stan and protecc?? i stan tomosayo, kokoaya, and yukimoca. dont yeet them i protecc

tell me who your least girl is. say 1 positive trait they have. whos your best girl? tell me 1 negative thing about them(remember: nothing does nOT COUNT!!)! kokoro is my least girl, but inspires me to get out of bed each morning. ran is my best girl, but sometimes 'same as always' gets a little tiring..

whats your opinion? its 12am but hey who cares! i get my 3hrs of sleep so im good