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October 26, 2020 14:52:34 +0000 (UTC)


Is no one gonna talk about the fact that Lisa's (new) Halloween costume and Yukina's match?

Also happy birthday to Yukinya and Himari
October 26, 2020 12:07:05 +0000 (UTC)

  Of a beautiful rose, blooming into fruition;  

    Happy Birthday, Yukina!...

Of a beautiful rose, blooming into fruition;

Happy Birthday, Yukina!

Right in the thick of October's Garupa Birthday Week, there's so many related birthdays...
October 26, 2020 14:37:53 +0000 (UTC)


Almost there fam, the Happy party train arrive to it's next station and we can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, so hang in there just a bit longer while we go through today's birthday.

Our Honoree today is a lady i think almost no one here in banpa really hates, even if it really pissed us every time she is the chosen one to get a new 4 Stars over other girls who could needed/deserved more...but let's not talk about that now and focus on the things that we all love about her.

first and foremost, her singing, her powerful and charming voice that can make the whole Budokan become silent just to hear it and enjoy it when she sings. Next, that adorable side of her personality which only come to surface with cats, it's something simply to wholesome to witness without melting your heart. And finally, i should mention her dedicatión and resolution towards her goal...but instead i'm going to talk about the hilarious her Pico/Out of character counterpart can be, because personally, i love Pico/Out of char Yukina way more than Canon Yukina, her reactions are priceless, the fact that she can say complete nonesenses with a stern face and a serious tone as if they were the absolute truth, and of course the situations in which ends.

of course nothing of all this would be possible without the amazing Seiyuu that brings her to live, but i talk already about her in her Birthday post not to long ago so i won't repeat myself.

therefore without too much to say about out guest, let's join the celebratión and raise our glasses as we always do to wish the best to the "Blooming Rose of Purple Flames", the vocalist and leader of Roselia!

Happy Birthday Yukina!!

October 26, 2020 16:28:17 +0000 (UTC)
    Happy Birthday, Yukina!
I hope you'll always be as passionate about music as you are now and...

Happy Birthday, Yukina!

I hope you'll always be as passionate about music as you are now and that you'll forever be this determined and precious girl with a weak spot for cats

October 26, 2020 06:32:52 +0000 (UTC)

Happy Birthday Yukina! Your my Sisters Absolute Favourite from Bandori. You Bloomed your Way to her...

Happy Birthday Yukina! Your my Sisters Absolute Favourite from Bandori. You Bloomed your Way to her Tippy Top. You Love Cats Like Her. She Loves your Voice and No Another Girl Can get Close to your Level~


October 25, 2020 23:15:54 +0000 (UTC)


Remember the good ol' days when my profile description only said

"I'm bad at bandori"

What fun times

Edit: Wait I just realized when I started to play bandori I remember seeing Yukina's bday animation when I first logged in... I don't know the exact date I started to play bandori but I think it's tommorrow....

also happy birthday to Yukina I don't have time to draw her something yet again
October 26, 2020 00:28:53 +0000 (UTC)

  Happy B Day Minato san  ;ω; 
    You have the best voice and nobody can change my mind.

Happy B-Day Minato-san (;ω;)

You have the best voice and nobody can change my mind.

I'm sorry for forgetting, I deserve the worst ;-;