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October 26, 2018 00:09:34 +0000 (UTC)

Yo, Tsugumi Protection Squad, WAKE UP!
The price for our precious girl's head is 

    11 000 000...

Yo, Tsugumi Protection Squad, WAKE UP! The price for our precious girl's head is

11 000 000 bandori stars!

We must protec her at any cost from all potential bounty hunters in bandoriverse!

November 19, 2018 06:34:47 +0000 (UTC)


Has anyone noticed that lately cards have had this weird yellowish filter to them lately? The girls have been more and more becoming one of the Simpson’s and it’s concerning me if these girls are getting like yellow fever

November 19, 2018 00:44:29 +0000 (UTC)

i did it for the energy to help keep my tier and I end up pleasantly surprised with 3  of my 1st and...

i did it for the energy to help keep my tier and I end up pleasantly surprised with 3* of my 1st and 4th best girls :O

November 18, 2018 18:11:42 +0000 (UTC)

got a 3  star gacha ticket and got this beauty!! ill be the first to admits kaoru isnt my favoritest...

got a 3* star gacha ticket and got this beauty!! ill be the first to admits kaoru isnt my favoritest girl but gosh dang is this a pretty card!! my first 4 star for my jp account, v excited!!

November 17, 2018 21:05:46 +0000 (UTC)


Decided to count my cards by band and (minus any 2* or lower)...

Least favourite band: Poppin' Party - 14 / four of which are 4*

Second favourite band: HHW - 13 / two of which are 4*

Favourite band: Pastel Palettes - 11 / one of which is 4*

Third favourite band: Roselia - 8 / one of which is 4*

Fourth favourite band: Afterglow - 8 / one one of which is 4*

Bushiroad and Craft Egg, please, stop sending me Popipa cards.

November 14, 2018 08:23:45 +0000 (UTC)

I recently got the intial 3  cards of Misaki and Maya.  And with those cards, I have completed both...

I recently got the intial 3* cards of Misaki and Maya. And with those cards, I have completed both and every set of the intial 3*s. All five bands.