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February 14, 2020 18:55:15 +0000 (UTC)


Dear Hagumi

When I first started playing BanPa, I never really noticed you, until the Fluffy Mascots event. I looked at your 4* and I immediatley fell in love with you. Then I heard your voice in Fuwa Fuwa Fluffy Sandwisch and I loved you even more. When I read your past event stories, I felt so close to you, like you were real. You were just so cute and adorable!!!!!!!!!!!

But Unfortunately, you are extremely underrated for 3 simple reasons:

1. People compare you to Rin from Love Live! and think you're a rip off (Even though you're clearly better than her)

2. There are a lot more cute characters, like Kokoro who get a lot more attention than you because people think they're cuter than you

3. You don't get any character development which you deserve

This is extremely sad, But remember, I love you!

From, Alina

February 15, 2020 20:45:10 +0000 (UTC)

For my next illustrations I've planned to draw a pairing of every band, starting out with Harohapi's...

For my next illustrations I've planned to draw a pairing of every band, starting out with Harohapi's Misaki and Kokoro! I've rushed to finish this for Valentine's, since what could be more fitting? ;w; ♡ I love these two so much!

March 02, 2020 11:07:11 +0000 (UTC)

  Fan Letters For My Valentine

      Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make this...

Fan Letters For My Valentine

Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make this event a success! We loved your entries!

All participants

As promised, you all received a badge on your profile, as a thank you for participating.


And the winners are...

1st Kaiton

Selected randomly, one chance per user

will win a prize of their choice between a physical prize (official merch), a graphic edit commission or an art commission

See entry


Selected randomly, one chance per user

will win a prize of their choice between a graphic edit commission or an art commission

See entry

winning entry image

3rd Mitsuki.Amasawa

Selected randomly, one chance per user

will win a graphic edit of their choice

See entry

winning entry image

Congratulations to our winners!

They will receive a prize of their choice among the prizes we offer.

Support our giveaways!

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These special events are made possible thanks to the support of our warm-hearted donators. If you wish to support Bandori Party for both our future special events and to cover the cost of our expensive servers in which our site run, please consider donating on Patreon.


  • I won and I didn't hear from you?
  • I didn't win and I'm sad ;_;
    • The staff and the community loved your entry so your efforts didn't go to waste at all 💖 Please join our next special event!
  • How can I thank you for your amazing work organizing these special events?
    • We always appreciate sweet comments below, and if you want to push it a little further, we have a Patreon open for donations ❤️
  • More questions?

All participants

On Bandori Party: db0, MoonSyrup, Catrione, Desbushido, shelly, shelly, Cookie-Mist, CallieCornet, TunaSalad, tsundokuu, Freecartitos, PsychoCookiez, PsychoCookiez, angiesan, -ChomamaLi-, Cookie-Mist, Zemik, Kaiton, s0phocles, alanoodle, db0, raiseasooilen, YukiKasu808, SomeRandomGhost, Megggles, Nozi, Megggles, Zemik, -ChomamaLi-, ganbawoobi, RyougiKyo, SomeRandomGhost, Megggles, Eurekaaaaaa, Eurekaaaaaa, Megggles, Chomama, angiesan, Mitsuki.Amasawa, Maia, Megggles, GummiGum, db0, Can_I_join_Hello_Happy_World, Chickie, SomeRandomGhost, Chickie, kanatakonhoe, Cookie-Mist, szlagier666

On Twitter: @meicccu, @tomoe_bdgbp, @DEADZEPPDEATH, @BandoriPower, @Tiya2x, @ganbaru_burn, @bayleafmclovin, @verdictofzeus, @BengaIouw, @yoyohane, @boppin_time, @splashstarry, @dreamfesmisaki, @starishiine, @4gatsu_art, @HaruNoonieNYA, @_teeheeb

February 10, 2020 12:10:19 +0000 (UTC)


Dear db0, I love what you do for us, db0. I apperciate what you do for us!!! db0 i love everything u guys do . . I am really grateful for you db0. i love u db0 you are so hecking talented i see your ur damn work and i love it. Thanks db0 for making sukumoto and banpa! It changed my life :,)

Love, Angie. (Its Terrible I know..)

February 28, 2020 09:09:26 +0000 (UTC)

Dearest Kaoru,

I felt it fitting to post my  poorly made  monster of a character cake in my...

Dearest Kaoru,

I felt it fitting to post my (poorly made) monster of a character cake in my Valentine Fan Letter as it’s your birthday today! Happy birthday to the most wonderful woman.

I don’t really know where to start- you’re just so brilliant. You’re talented and gorgeous and funny and your acting is excellent- you make a perfect Romeo (and this is coming from someone who loves R+J so much I run a tumblr blog about the play)! Whenever I’m sad, you’re something that’s comforting. When I’m happy, you’re something fun and bubbly! All it takes is a look at your stupid adorable face, or hearing your stupid adorable ‘hakanai!’ to make my day.

I’m so grateful that I found this franchise. The characters are great, the art is stunning, the music is amazing, and most of all, Bandori has you, Kaoru! I can’t imagine Bang Dream without you; there’d be a Seta shaped hole in my Seta shaped heart.

My birthday gift for you miiight not be the most beautiful thing in the world, but I had a LOT of fun making that dumb cake! I don’t know- maybe its cursed energy will bring good things to you? Anyhow, I hope my writing can make it up for the slightly demonic cake. No words in the world can sum up my love, appreciation and admiration for you.

In eternal, un-fleeting love, Rey <3

P.S.- this letter is possibly the gayest thing I’ve ever written ... But Kaoru really does do it for the girls and the gays

February 10, 2020 23:53:35 +0000 (UTC)


Dear Banpa and its community

It may be hard to believe but almost one year ago, March 7th 2019, I was afraid of making a post. There has always been and always will be a part of me that worries about every detail. I was scared of making myself known. The introverted side of me wanted to keep myself hidden. It was telling me that I couldn't make a first post, and it was right. I joined this site to express my love for BanG Dream! but I didn't know how I could do that. It was only because of a miracle 72 point loss on VS Live against someone who had the same PERFECT-GREAT count as me later that night that I did make a post, just a random person randomly posting a random screenshot out of nowhere. I remember closing the website tab on my browser as soon as I posted it. I didn't want to know what happened. The next day, I went onto Banpa and saw notifications. People had liked that post. They may have liked what they saw, found it funny or was just being kind, it didn't matter. It made me want to keep posting. It made me want to be me.

Megggles, Amarena, animebronie596, kaoruskitten, Can_I_join_Hello_Happy_World, Chi, UwUhera (and you as well LollyGurl), thank you for liking that post. Though some of you may have moved on from this site, you remain in my memories. You were a catalyst for the biggest change of my life.

From that point on, I would come onto the site every day, look at new posts every day and try to post every day. Whenever someone liked one of my posts, I would get encouraged to post more. If a post didn't do as well, I would tell myself not to be discouraged and keep going. Sometimes, other posts would make me want to do something myself. Slowly but surely, the posts were changing. They became more... me. I cared less about how posts did and more about what I showed. My own style of typing started to show itself, to represent how I would talk. I became more willing to post different things. It was only somewhat recently when I realised that it wasn't the post that was changing to show me, it was me changing to post the way I wanted to, as me. I had changed. When I look back at myself, one year ago, I wouldn't have me any other way, now or back then.

This isn't a letter addressed to me by me, it's a letter addressed by me to you all. This is the first community I've ever been a part of in my entire life. Being here has pushed the insecure side of me away. It may still exist, but it's a part of who I am. It's because of it that I'm able to write what I feel. It's all because of this site and the people who populate it.

Still, I can't put this past year into words properly. In reality, this 'love letter' would be best saved for March 7th, my anniversary of joining Banpa. But, this is the perfect time to look back on where I've been and how much Banpa means to me. To put it shortly, I've been so much happier ever since I joined this site. I've been more accepting of myself and it's thanks to this site and everyone on here, just like me. I love this site, I love this community and I look forward to the years to come.

"Thank you for making my memories what they are. For the times you've made me smile, laugh and cry. I will treasure this past year with you, on this site called Bandori Party!"

Alex 「Kaiton」☆

February 15, 2020 21:20:09 +0000 (UTC)

hhhh I knew I was forgetting one

Dear TunaSalad,

Thank you so much for being such an awesome person. Your comments on my posts always make me feel appreciated. You're such a cool person, like, do you want to go get some virtual coffee sometime?? Maybe chill and chat or whatever??

Thank you for being so kind and supportive, my dude.

With love,


February 15, 2020 20:30:34 +0000 (UTC)

    Dear Asahi Rokka  LOCK ,

You are one of the most incredible people I know. Really, you have...

Dear Asahi Rokka (LOCK),

You are one of the most incredible people I know. Really, you have shaped my identity more than some people in my real life. You’re story pushes m to become a better guitarist every day. You worked day and night to get your first guitar and put together a middle school band, only to see it fall apart when you left for Tokyo to be among your idols. Now, you are surrounded by extremely talented additions like you, LAYER, MASKING, PAREO, and of course Chu2. I have been playing guitar for about 9 months and you inspire me to keep working hard to be as good as you! I hope my band Cempazuchitl can play along side you someday! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, all the bandori girls, and everyone on the bandori party community. Love you all!

February 17, 2020 14:26:29 +0000 (UTC)


Happy! Lucky!

This is my prize for SnaP! Girls Photo Party


Thank you and appreciate your hard work, db0. OwO. You hold the contest and made prizes for everyone.

I also specially send this prize to Kurosawa_Rin who always inbox and support me. I hope you like it.

(Tbh, it seems a little creepy)

So, I have edited one more picture for you. I hope you like it, too.


[I'm a chibi who is flying down OwO. The black-haired blacked-eyed girl with a glass is Rin_Kurosawa. Sayo is her best girl and mine is Kokomo]

Thank you everyone for reading my letter!

February 28, 2020 21:13:17 +0000 (UTC)

    Dear Kaoru,
I have chosen to write this letter to you on your birthday and I have to say thank...

Dear Kaoru,

I have chosen to write this letter to you on your birthday and I have to say thank you. Thank you for being an amazing guitarist for Harohapi. I can only guess that you have grown in confidence since you were younger and I can wish that I can do the same. I guess I can say you are inspiring for me. You are my favourite character in Bandori and you are a character that has left a big impact on me. I can't say anymore other than that you are amazing, fleeting and any other word that you could think of.

Happy Birthday Kaoru!
