Players list / StanKasumi

Hi there! I’m StanKasumi.
Kasumi is underrated and I stan Popipa. (Even if they’re not my favorite band anymore) If a teenage girl can preach, why not preach a band filled with teenage girls?
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Other than the facts above here are some more actually organized ones:
I have cebral palsy which makes a tendon in my right foot shorter and I cannot walk flat on that foot, but my surgery in June fixed it! I’m now in psychical therapy!
I love zodiacs and astrology
My Danganronpa best girls are Sayaka, Mikan and Kaede! I love them all uwu
Pansexual(?) Maybe? Dunno I’m questioning it right now...
Best Girls from each band: Kasumi, Tomoe, Eve, Kokoro, Sayo, Masuki
SHSL Popipa and Raise A Suilen stan
Lawful Neutral
Gay today, gay tomorrow, gay forever.
I love Girl In Red and my favorite song by her is Girls!
I’m a part of the Masuki cult that CookieUa started! STAN MASUKI
Bye for now uwu