Players list / Bandori_chase_girl

Bandori_chase_girl avatar


!I'm HappyLLAS and I will be posting more in the future.

Rin is my girl and I want to say NYA NYA NYA OuO!! I play SIF and AS,you can friend me! my username is Love_Live Fans.That is also my username on reddit. I will be posting daily so check out my posts! :3

If you like I will give a shout out to revue starlight re live.I have a sister and a brother and I live in new york.(duh).I hope you check out my profile on acnh wiki like these ones.check out my other profile on LLAS called pandapancakes.I have a roblox account pandapancakes1.:3 UwU I also play among us!My name there is UwU.thx!

.I don't know what to write next.Comment what to post next. -.- pls ._.

2 accounts: