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November 22, 2018 18:55:51 +0000 (UTC)


today was certainly ... a day

the professor of my only class on Thursdays and I take the same train from the same station. I am hyperaware of that fact because I have become a master in not being talked to by him since I usually don't have the homework. anyway that class is an 8:30AM class which means I have to be out of the house by 7, I don't rly mind it that much but it does mean I'm permanently tired on Tuesdays & Thursdays. now today he wasn't at the station and I had a /feeling/ something was wrong, but nothing was written online so I took the whole damn commute to uni only to find a note on the blackboard saying class was cancelled for today, needless to say next time he's not at the station I'm going back home

anyway so I was in the classroom, saw the note, bolted right out of the door to catch the bus so I could catch the train - except that train had a 25 minute delay. I should mention that it was cold as heck (I wasn't actually that cold thanks to my expert technique of Wearing Two Pairs Of Tights On Top Of Each Other but my hands freeze very easily, even when it's like 10°C, and today it was ~2 so yeah I couldn't feel my hands). the station's currently being renovated from the absolute shithole it was before so there are some places to warm up now but even then, they always keep the door open and I swear they have the A/C on all year so. still cold.

then I scout on SIF just for the heck of it and get a best girl UR! ... which was a dupe of a card I bought & idolised with seals ages ago. at least she's Strong now. guess she wanted to cheer me up so I can't be mad at her.

I finally get back home half an hour later than I initially thought I would, my mom's like "you wanted to buy stuff for uni right let's go to the city", which in itself is a good thing except I slept for like 2 hours tonight, I have exactly 24ct on my bank account, and apparently only two stores in all of the city carry notebooks. who would've guessed. I did actually end up getting the stuff I needed tho.

but alas, it's not over. last Monday the prof of one of my other classes casually told me that my presentation at the end of the semester was cancelled and I instead take the one of someone else. in two weeks. on a topic much more expansive & complex & nothing like the one I'd researched. whether or not this is good decides if I pass or fail this class. so yeah I'm working on that bUT I also have two art projects going, one music one where the dl is today and one BIG art thing where the dl is the 28th and I was only asked like ... two days ago. so essentially all I've been doing today was be extremely tired, try to record, draw, & research simultaneously, and I just wanna go to sleep but it's not even 8 and I still have work to do

but as my life motto - GANBARUBY! - dictates I gotta do my rubesty & still see the positive in things, so a list of good things that came about today through all of this: I'm one UR seal closer to buying Coptori from the seal shop eventually, I got a surprising amount of things done today, getting up early means going out when it's still dark and I LOVE THAT, the prof of the class with the presentation trusts me apparently, and I got to wear my favourite scarf which I wouldn't have if I hadn't gone out. also two of my favourite LPers are currently playing Danganronpa so that's something to look forward to everyday!

this has been complaining & positivity with Nija tune in next time when we discuss how 8:30AM classes should be forbidden anyway,