Gotta jump on the bandwagon while it's still hot!
- Hina. I rest my case.
- Yukina. Used to be Aya for a while, but Yukina has been growing on me like crazy.
- Lisa. She's just an all around great person, she reminds me alot of some of my friends, and watching her try to clean up Yukina's mistakes is freaking amazing and great and angoJSHKAJLHDKASJ
- Hina. She's great and amazing and I could probably write an essay on how much I love her but that would take too long and I'm lazy.
- Tsugumi. Waaaay underappreciated, she's always stuck under RinRin and Arisa. They're both great, but Tsugu's better.
- Kanon. Misaki's in a VERY close second then after that Maya. But Kanon is the best, I can relate to her a lot :)
- Light Delight/Senbonzakura. Light Delight SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE POPIPA ANGST EVENT SONG THAT'S HOW GOOD AND ANGSTY IT IS and Senbonzakura's just all around a great cover, I don't normally like Kasumi's vocals but something about that song just makes her shine.
- Mou Ichido Luminous/Hanamaru Pippi wa Yoiko dake. Mou Ichido's honestly just the best out of a bad bunch. Just my opinion, don't get your knickers in a twist. Hanamaru Pippi's one of my favorite cover songs to ever exist ever, it's so upbeat and I'm osomatsu trash, so yee.
- Wacha-mocha whatever/Romeo. Romeo should be an obvious pick, and Wacha-mocha's just makes me happy, even more so then the rest of harohapi's originals. I'm also harohapi trash.
- Hey-day capriccio/Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan. Ok, so I REALLY dislike most of what afterglow puts out, EXCEPT for these two. Just my opinion, don't get your knickers in a twist, badabada yadayada but Ayane Sakura's a really good singer.
- Neo-Aspect/Shin Ai. They're all great, I didn't want to pick, but those are really my faves. Neo-Aspect is beautiful and the MV is full of cool references and I love it, Shin Ai is a pretty song covered by a prettier band, it's awesome.
- That is how I roll/Happy summer wedding. Afterglow's my least favorite band, and that's my personal worst song from them. Happy summer wedding's cute and all but I CAN'T STAND IT HAROHAPI YOU'RE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THIS ACK
- Eve. I rest my case.
- So there's this anime called houseki no kuni and the OP is like the sweetest most jazzy thing ever, I don't know who I want to cover it, but somebody cover it PLEASE
- Gimme umbrella yukina gimme it NOW
- Double rainbow. I can relate to Arisa's plight in a lot of ways, it's PoPiPa's most beleivable event story as well.
- KanoChisa
- I am HaroHapi trash and I want everyone to know it.
- SayoHina.