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September 28, 2020 22:06:23 +0000 (UTC)


well now that roselia has had an event, my halloween/dreamfes predictions have changed :'D

so!! the halloween event, definitely either hello happy world or morfonica, leaning towards hhw but id be super down for morfonica! just feels like craftegg would wanna go ahead and get the main 5 bands seasonal/holiday events out of the way, maybe start incorporating ras and morfonica into lim seasonal sets in 2021 (YES i know that sucks for ras/morfonica stans but it makes sense, there are more fans of the original 5 bands and if craftegg wants more money they'll do that first lol)

also COOOOOULD be mixed but... yeah no craftegg doesn't often do mixed holiday sets anymore :/

if its a hhw set then i'm gonna say NOT a kokoro 4☆ because she's had one pretty recently and she's already had like 3 lim 4☆, probably a hagumi 4☆ because she's only got like one lim! and i would say a kaoru 4☆ because she's also only got one lim but she also just had a 4*... so i'm gonna hedge my bets on a hagumi/kanon 4☆ pair (purely because the christmas event last year was misaki/hagumi)

ALTHOUGH how cool would a kanon/kaoru 4☆ set be?!?!?! i want it.. maybe..

if its morfonica i'm gonna say nanami and mashiro maybe? or nanami and touko.. cant go based on much here cause they're so new haha-

aaaaaaaaaand my dreamfes predictions themselves haven't changed much.. there WILL be an afterglow dreamfes and it BETTER be tomoe >:( if it isn't tomoe im literally gonna sue. and then the other dreamfes will be popipa or pasupare, if its pasupare i think aya will get it or POSSIBLY eve... and if its popipa i think itll be rimi or saaya!

to summarize, i think it will be tomoe, and then either aya or rimi.

all of that ^ is based on who's had the least recent 4☆, and what band has had the least recent dreamfes cards!!!!!

does this make sense....? haha, let me know your predictions!!!!! im always wildly off when i try to predict it feels like, so :'D id love to hear if i've overlooked something or if it sounds too much like wishful thinking-

CAN I JUST SAY... if the lineup is what i both think realistically it could be and what i want, namely kaoru/kanon hhw halloween and tomoe/rimi or aya dreamfes, THIS MIGHT BE WHAT I SAVE FOR.