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April 28, 2020 03:53:36 +0000 (UTC)


I've been wanting to post more often, and I haven't posted since the CiRCLE Live Stream, so I wanted to do something today. I couldn't think of anything to post about, so I decided that I would share my progress on my fan band, Distant笑顔.

Here's the link to the google doc I've been working on:

I've allowed you guys to make suggestions, since I like feedback on things (note that you don't have to make a comment to suggest anything, you can just edit the page, and it will show up as a suggestion, and I can either accept or deny it). One thing I really want feedback on is whether I should change the story that I'm writing to story 1, or leave it story 0.

Also, I wrote the first 6 chapters in the first two days of writing the story. I took a long break, and then I wrote chapter 7 today.

Finally, those songs that I put are just fictional. I assume that that's obvious, but I just want to make clear that I won't be making any songs for this band, as I have no knowledge of music production and I'm a male, so I wouldn't be able to voice act any characters without it sounding weird. But, to give you an idea of what I want the band to sound like, here's some links to an album by Yorushika, who I absolutely love, and I feel like my fan band really matches the aesthetic of Yorushika, and the vocals are what I want Ichika, the vocalist of my fan band, to sound like. Amazon Music: | Spotify: | Apple Music: (Well now I'm just promoting my favorite artist, aren't I)