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October 01, 2019 10:15:20 +0000 (UTC)


Well hi again fam, with the return to the daily routine IRL once again become rushing and full of adulthood stuff to do for this old grandpa and so i'll probably have to enter in a less active/more lurking mode.

BUT, that won't make my forget to continuing congratulate to every single one of our lovely girls or their Seiyuus (unless I have a brain failure, as I already have had this year with some of the Seiyuus) Ok...status report given, now let's get into the important things shall we?

Because speaking of every day's life and not being able to take time to take a break, today we have to congratulate a girl which has earned the heaven just for being able to maintain her sanity in the middle of the chaos that are "the three dummies". So let's rise our glasses fam and wish a Happy birthday to our lovely...

Uh...wait...wheres the honoree?...there's only Michelle here but...oh well...Anyways

Happy Birthday Misaki!!