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May 11, 2019 19:40:31 +0000 (UTC)


did i conveniently stop doing the bandori 30day challenge because i was lazy for a solid 3 months? well, yes

day six: favorite pasupare character

maya yamato!!!!!


are you surprised? i was. i always thought that i was permanently infatuated with aya, but then recently (a month-ish), ive been focusing more on maya and i wasnt sure why

i then realized it was because she just... resonated within me. maya is unsure of her place in pasupare because of her 'unidol-ish looks' that dont match up with the rest of the group which i heavily relate to. im not gonna go too in-depth about my experience with it bc this is about baby maya though fkdjsfkd. maya is also heavily passionate about topics that dont quite appeal to others, but she doesnt relent and continues to be her adorable dorky self!! i find it endearing that shes so enthusiastic about support equipment, and i also relate to it! i think she might be the most relatable character to me ksfjdkfjsk

anyway, stan maya yamato! she is a baby!