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February 07, 2019 07:53:00 +0000 (UTC)



you guys i actually need help.

so im taking this theater/vocal class and on saturday were working on solo songssss like legit singing in front of people.........and im like aya in the first pasupare band story: i have the worst stage fright out of everyone in the troupe.... fuee how do you sing on stage i dont understand. but also i havent picked out a song yet but i want to do tear drops bc its kinda easy and ive almost memorized it but then again theres opera of the wasteland which is also really easy... but i still dont know after a million years -_- i wanna stay safe with bandori bc i know almost all the songs but waku waku week is really awesome too aaarrUUUUUGH WHY DOES THERE HAVE TO BE SO MANY CHOICES?!?!?!?!

kaoruskitten also needs a math tutor bc i have a b and extremely close to a c and im really pissed off

ty for listening to kaoruskitten ranting for a solid 10 minutes