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August 12, 2018 06:41:19 +0000 (UTC)


It should be illegal to dodge a song if it's chosen from random

August 14, 2018 02:59:16 +0000 (UTC)


So if there are any Gintama fans besides myself, I'm sure you were really happy when they did Pride kakumei, because I know I was, BUT!!!! I was really hoping they'd add this part (Skip to 1:08) I personally feel like taking that part out was upsetting since it really had emotion to it

August 14, 2018 04:24:42 +0000 (UTC)


If there are any Gintama fans, I'm sure you were really happy when Pride Kakumei came out, right? I know I was. But, if you noticed, they took out one of the best parts from the OP (Skip to 1:08) and Idk I feel like it would've made the cover way better if they kept that in

August 10, 2018 23:22:49 +0000 (UTC)


A lot of times, I find myself singing along during the songs that I play. The only thing is that I usually know none of the words except some of the Engrish words so to everyone else it sounds like


I would apologize, but everyone in my house is probably used to it by now, tbh. :'D

Edit: I know realize that she was also saying "close to me" also...I just can't understand Yukina's English...

August 12, 2018 19:59:18 +0000 (UTC)


Boom Through Summer is now my favorite PoPiPa song. I feel like it captures the spirit of summer so perfectly - the excitement, the nostalgia, and the joy. I've always been fond of PoPiPa's songs for that reason. The emotions behind their music are so powerful, more so than any other band in my opinion. I've played this song about five thousand times in multi-live, and I'm still not tired of it. That's something I can't say for any other song.

Oh, and the fact that BTS reminds me of My Mai Tonight (one of my favorite Aquors tracks) doesn't hurt either.

What do you guys think?

August 13, 2018 05:29:47 +0000 (UTC)


I just figured out that slide notes can overlap...

July 10, 2018 06:41:17 +0000 (UTC)

Not sure why it says I played normal but okay I guess also player 2s name fits this so well it's...

Not sure why it says I played normal but okay I guess also player 2s name fits this so well it's like the game knows and changed it to normal

August 10, 2018 17:50:26 +0000 (UTC)

so close fam. but im not even mad

every day i get nearer and nearer to my ultimate goal as a...

so close fam. but im not even mad

every day i get nearer and nearer to my ultimate goal as a thumbs player: fc’ing this song.

its been extensive process u see. in order to fc this song my thumbs simply need to be longer. so ever since two months ago ive been utilizing thumb-lengthening techniques

firstly i boil my thumbs in a pot of water for about 12 minutes everyday. this is known as the “al dente pasta” method and it perfectly softens ur thumbs to be highly flexible

next i take a flat iron and press each of my thumbs about four to five times with the heat. this effectively dries the boiling water off, as to prevent what would otherwise become instant frostbite

then i tie my thumb to the back of my mom’s car with rope and drag her car thru the neighborhood a few times. this gives me some much-needed thumb endurance

finally i massage my thumbs for about 3 seconds with a dab of baby lotion. this trains me to deal with intense pain, as the other techniques are not as excruciating as this one