May 15, 2018 18:46:32 +0000 (UTC)


i made a fanband!

i hope you all like them (although i dont have a name for them yet)


first is mimi! she's the vocalist of my band! she loves cute things, especially animals. shes super energetic, however, she gets tired of things extremely easily, except for her hairstyle which she has worn since she's been in 3rd grade. everything shes tried has gotten boring for her after around half a year. she decided to form a band because music has always been special for her!


next is seiko! shes a former neet, and dropped out of highschool because of this. mimi is the one who forced her to go outside for once, because mimi was worried about her health. she's a talented guitarist, and that's pretty much all she would do in her room all day. she hates dresses, because she feels very uncomfortable in them, however she does love shorts (and will wear a skirt on occasion). shes very shy, and never really talks unless she absolutely has too. she's mimi's best friend, ever since childhood.


this is miwa! she's the bass. she's played bass since childhood, and has been in a total of 3 bands, including this one. she adores fashion! she got a part time job so she could buy all the clothes she wants. she also changes her hairstyle constantly because she gets very bored with each hairstyle. she joined the band after mimi saw her in the schools courtyard playing her bass.


and now for kurumi. shes the serious one of the group, and also writes the lyrics for the songs. she isnt too big when it comes to fashion, or doing her hair, so she just leaves it down. she loves foxes, and goes as far as wearing fox ears every single day to school, and goes so far as calling them real.


and finally we have nomiki! shes the youngest of the group (still in middle school even!). however, this doesnt hold her back! she loves the drums, and is naturally talented at them. she always refers to herself as a god, and if someone tries to prove her wrong she responds by fighting them personally.

June 04, 2018 19:11:23 +0000 (UTC)

Appreciation for Rimi's appearances in the loading 1Komas and the Twitter 4Komas.

Appreciation for Rimi's appearances in the loading 1Komas and the Twitter 4Komas.

June 04, 2018 14:24:10 +0000 (UTC)


!!! those of yall who has a fanband, do you guys wanna start a group chat where we can share more about our bands and get to know each others' bands?? i think it's gonna be super cool tbh aaaaa//// hmu me on instagram if you're keen???

edit: i made a discord instead since a lot of you don't use instagram !! gogogo join the server: <333

May 31, 2018 11:58:49 +0000 (UTC)


Picture this: You scout for your dream 4 star. You feel confident about your luck, and you say your lucky chant and press the scout button for 2500 stars. Out of the blue, you notice something. The penlights are rainbow colored... a 4 star, you think. You go through with the scout, crossing your fingers for the card you want, and what do you get? An initial Kasumi 4 star which you already have and 2 3 stars you have as well. The only new card is a Lisa 2 star and you're feeling despair. You then do a gacha ticket pull, refilled with hope. What do you get? Another 3 star you already have. Feeling the despair yet? Now you feel my p a i n.

June 04, 2018 16:11:03 +0000 (UTC)


the new tomoe can knock me out with those drumsticks and id thank her

June 04, 2018 14:34:21 +0000 (UTC)

Since I Have Been Seeing Alot Of Sayo Fans Lately, I Made This Happy Little Ball Of Fun!

Since I Have Been Seeing Alot Of Sayo Fans Lately, I Made This Happy Little Ball Of Fun!

June 03, 2018 20:37:15 +0000 (UTC)

today i solo'd kokoro on endori! my tablet crashed when i tried to take a screenshot of the actual...

today i solo'd kokoro on endori! my tablet crashed when i tried to take a screenshot of the actual scout though :(