Players list / Az

Az avatar


Minna-san! Az here!

Here's a quick introduction about myself. My hobbies include, playing video games and watching anime! I'm also currently suffering from Gacha addiction. Current Gacha games: Bandori EN, Fate/GO, DBZ Dokkan Battle. I used to play LLSIF, but ended up dropping it for (the far superior) Bandori. >:D

Been playing on JP Bandori since October 17, and have now switched over to EN. Aiming to rank Top #1000 in every event at the least, mainly to maximize on the rewards.

My favorite members keep changing, because all the Bandori girls all so amazing! Though O-Tae holds a special place as she was the Original best girl from the anime.

Afterglow is definitely my favorite band with Ran, Himari and Moca being the top 3.

1 account: