Players list / -Josephine-

-Josephine- avatar


Hi my name is Josephine aka •Josephine•. I'm 13 years old and I've played bandori for about a half year.. And I'm already at lvl 118 :) Sadly my account got deleted so I had to start over.. Don't get me wrong it was actually refreshing. :)

A fast fem facts about me :) •I like Pastel palettes and Roselia the most because of the songs •When ever Aya-chan and Yukina starts to sing I smile.. •I'm social shy •My family is pretty messed up, but I still love them •I’ve been depressed cause bullying •I LOVE Aya, Yukina, Eve and Lisa •I Got 2 horses named "Prins and Patty" (Prins is the danish word for "Prince") •Really lucky at scouting ;)

That was all the important things you need to know about me :) I hope you have a great day bye

1 account: