Players list / Eeeeeee@@@

Eeeeeee@@@ avatar


Hiii guyz! I'm Zelten and you could just call me zell!!! I'm really exited in meeting you guyz and also making new friends in this game. I've been playing love live for a really long time and turns to bandori just for a few weeks (qwq.

I am a huge fan of anime! These are some of my favorites: Demon Slayer, やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている, JOJO, summer time, and summer ghost, 月が綺麗ですね and a lot more romance anime!!!

I'm a senior student in high school so I would just be on line when it's between break or after school hours so yeaaa!

My favorite girls are Rui, Kasumi, Moca and Rinko!!!!(no exact order)

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