Players list / .-_-.RuRu.-_-.

.-_-.RuRu.-_-. avatar


Hey! I call myself Ruru, for some reason..

And I have, basically, been playing Bandori for about 9 months now,

I still suck at it, tho-

By the way, I love Kaoru and Sayo 'cuz you don't need a reason to love them and they are the best girls.



The best girls: Kaoru, Rinrin, Misaki and Tomoe

The most adorable girls: Sayo, Eve, Arisa and Maya

The cutest girls: Hagu, Moca-chan, O-Tae and Ako

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These girls need more love. They deserve it.

*A secret makes a woman, woman.

(This is seriously nothing related to Bandori but since I love this quote, I had to add it.)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I lItErAlLy SuCk

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