Girls Band Party / Cards list / Statistics / All Maya Yamato cards

58 cards match your search:
★★★★ Maya Yamato - Pure - A Brave Challenger ★★★★ Maya Yamato - Pure - A Brave Challenger 3336 6640 10343 3730 7424 11516 3115 6199 9683 10181 20263 31542 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of all notes boosted by +100.0%

★★ Maya Yamato - Pure - A Sparkling Stage Awaits 2232 5556 2022 5035 1866 4646 6120 15237 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 200 and boosts score of all notes by 10.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★ Maya Yamato - Happy - A Reporter's Job ★★★ Maya Yamato - Happy - A Reporter's Job 2736 5554 8674 2034 4128 6523 3780 7672 11866 8550 17354 27063 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of all notes boosted by +60.0%

★★★★ Maya Yamato - Happy - Serious Survivor ★★★★ Maya Yamato - Happy - Serious Survivor 2762 5496 8631 3437 6840 10642 3669 7300 11330 9868 19636 30603 Perfect lock (Score up)

All GOOD notes turn into PERFECT notes and boosts score of all notes by 60.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★ Maya Yamato - Pure - One Supporting Two 1902 4736 2238 5573 1734 4318 5874 14627 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of all notes boosted by +30.0%

★★★ Maya Yamato - Power - Moved To Tears ★★★ Maya Yamato - Power - Moved To Tears 2367 4806 7544 2313 4695 7378 3591 7291 11288 8271 16792 26210 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 200 and boosts score of all notes by 30.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★ Maya Yamato - Happy - My First Drums 1824 4505 2166 5350 2064 5097 6054 14952 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 200 and boosts score of all notes by 10.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★ Maya Yamato - Pure - My Real Face ★★★ Maya Yamato - Pure - My Real Face 3042 5995 9245 3258 6417 9877 2682 5283 8184 8982 17695 27306 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of all notes boosted by +60.0%

★★ Maya Yamato - Cool - Stage 1332 3369 2502 6330 1698 4297 5532 13996 Perfect lock (Score up)

All GREAT notes turn into PERFECT notes and boosts score of all notes by 10.0% for the next 5 seconds

★ Maya Yamato - Pure - Otaku Drummer 666 1685 861 2178 1239 3136 2766 6999 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of all notes boosted by +10.0%