Girls Band Party / Cards list / Statistics / All Afterglow cards

306 cards match your search:
Performance Technique Visual Overall Skill
Min Max Trained Min Max Trained Min Max Trained Min Max Trained
★★ Tomoe Udagawa - Cool - Graceful Attire 2289 6292 2047 5679 1877 5250 6213 17221 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of all notes boosted by +30.0%

★★★★★ Moca Aoba - Pure - Benjamin ★★★★★ Moca Aoba - Pure - Benjamin 3948 9708 14265 3313 8443 12373 3535 8884 13033 10796 27035 39671 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 750 and boosts score of all notes by 110.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★★★ Tomoe Udagawa - Pure - Daily 30fps ★★★★★ Tomoe Udagawa - Pure - Daily 30fps 3514 8843 12973 3355 8527 12501 3821 9454 13888 10690 26824 39362 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of all notes boosted by +130.0%

★★★★ Ran Mitake - Pure - First Army Crane Gamer ★★★★ Ran Mitake - Pure - First Army Crane Gamer 3216 8049 11832 3770 9152 13487 3296 8208 12071 10282 25409 37390 Life recovery

For the next 5 seconds, if life is 600 or above, score boosted by +80.0%, otherwise restores life by 500

★★★ Tsugumi Hazawa - Power - Tanghuru Joyful ★★★ Tsugumi Hazawa - Power - Tanghuru Joyful 3453 7541 11478 3085 6801 10367 2968 6564 10011 9506 20906 31856 Perfect lock (Score up)

All GOOD notes turn into PERFECT notes and boosts score of all notes by 20.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★ Himari Uehara - Happy - Playful☆Pink 1805 4993 2080 5679 2721 7274 6606 17946 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 300 and boosts score of all notes by 10.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★★★ Tsugumi Hazawa - Happy - As a Cool Senior ★★★★★ Tsugumi Hazawa - Happy - As a Cool Senior 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 750 and boosts score of all notes by 110.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★ Ran Mitake - Power - Pinkish Bunny 2132 5809 2459 6623 2014 5515 6605 17947 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 300 and boosts score of all notes by 10.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★★★ Himari Uehara - Power - Around The Bonfire ★★★★★ Himari Uehara - Power - Around The Bonfire 3546 8906 13066 3884 9576 14071 3366 8548 12533 10796 27030 39670 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 750 and boosts score of all notes by 110.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★★★ Tsugumi Hazawa - Power - Dynamic Haneoka Student Council Member ★★★★★ Tsugumi Hazawa - Power - Dynamic Haneoka Student Council Member 3450 8716 12781 3715 9242 13571 3546 8906 13066 10711 26864 39418 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of PERFECT notes boosted by +150.0%

★★★★ Moca Aoba - Happy - On The Border Between Dreams and Reality ★★★★ Moca Aoba - Happy - On The Border Between Dreams and Reality 3024 7669 11263 3568 8749 12884 3689 8991 13243 10281 25409 37390 None


★★ Tsugumi Hazawa - Power - Queen of ♡ 2112 5801 2250 6148 2047 5640 6409 17589 Life guard (Score up)

BAD/MISS notes do not cause damage and boosts score of all notes by 10.0% for the next 3 seconds