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August 23, 2018 07:16:14 +0000 (UTC)

so i’m coming to understand that many people here, myself included, seem to not be getting the new...

so i’m coming to understand that many people here, myself included, seem to not be getting the new himari card. a coincidence? i think not. in fact, i’ve just come back from my laboratory after many intensive sessions involving complex calculations, exhaustive formula testings, and the study of the laws of currently known physics.

i’ve reached my own conclusion, and of course i must share it with you all, especially those who haven’t yet dared to try and get this particular card.

if you look closely at this card, you may be able to discern that the himari depicted is moving at a rapid velocity. however, shes not merely ‘running fast’; by measuring her surroundings compared with her currently known height, as well as the tomoe nearby, ive discovered a shocking fact.

himari is actually moving at the speed of sound, a flight response triggered no doubt by only the most aggressive and dangerous of the currently known himari predators; moca. although i havent been able to confirm it, it may be possible that this tomoe we see being depicted is attempting to pursue and consume the himari as well. this would give the himari even greater reason to reach such dangerous speeds.

if you look furthermore, it may appear that himari is running towards you as you gaze at the card. this is very much true, and is likely the leading cause of so many people believing that they would have been able to roll for her. however, due to her destructive speed, she merely zooms past and out of your grasp, immediately dooming most attempts to pull her out of the gacha. as it stands, she is far and away the fastest card within this system, something like a cheetah amidst a group of wildebeests.

i could be wrong, but probably not. i am a scientist, and therefore im usually completely correct. if you have any doubts as to my findings i recommended that you check yourself before you inevitably wreck yourself. and if youre still considering trying to get this himari, keep my groundbreaking discovery in mind.