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November 11, 2020 16:18:08 +0000 (UTC)


So let's talk Vocaloid.

I'm not very well versed on Vocaloid stuff. I've probably not heard of some of the most popular songs but I still enjoy the songs I do know.

So I've been thinking, what's a song that you think is either underrated or not spoken of much that you like? With the amount of songs, there probably are so many that are overshadowed by more well known songs.

For me, an underrated Vocaloid song that I really like is Lent Lily by Zig. I think it sounds nice and the lyrics are quite melancholic and bittersweet in a way. Other than the original, I'd suggest listening to dongdang's cover of the song

Share some maybe underrated Vocaloid songs in the comments if you wish!

also maybe check out just dongdang's covers in general. his voice is nice.