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October 05, 2020 04:49:48 +0000 (UTC)

      left: asuga ito  DARK★PORTAL , right: hanami imamura  NEP2NE 

~very late~ day two is...
left: asuga ito (DARK★PORTAL), right: hanami imamura (NEP2NE)

very late day two is vocalists! this one is obviously a bit more rushed than the previous day, but most of the drawings for the rest of the month will probably be a bit more similar to this one than the first day.

asuga ito is the main vocalist of DARK★PORTAL, and has an evil-eye complex. she pretends to have mysterious dark powers, and claims to be able to summon demons and perform ritual spells. she can be quite bossy, possibly a result of her being not only an older sister, but also the oldest in the band. she practices lowering her voice in secret, but her normal, unaltered voice is actually pretty nasally and high.

hanami imamura is not only the vocalist for NEP2NE, but also the keytarist and synth player! she is a more upbeat and peppy girl, but she can be impulsive and airheaded at times, despite being quite smart underneath her childish exterior. she began playing piano at a young age as a hobby, and found a passion for it. as she grew older, she began experimenting with synths and keytars, and also found natural talent in them as well.

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