Community / Feed / Activity

August 19, 2020 13:50:03 +0000 (UTC)


My only interactions with the bandori fandom is only here on banpa with my (very) rare and casual posts.

I'm probably one of the oldest players in our fandom (I'm 27, turning 28 this autumn), and that's why I tend to hold back with the interactivity since most of the players are teenagers or even children.

The reason why I'm into bandori is because I love the music and the girls are like little sisters/daughters to me (you know, sometimes one just needs some fresh air from all the hardships life loves to throw at you, and bandori does just that). This is a long premise but I'm getting to the point now.

Everyone here seems to be pretty kind and polite and that's why, despite me playing the game since release of the jp server, I've never really grasped how toxic our community is. On twitter, I stumbled upon tons and tons of disgusting SayoH*na shippers and people who joke about

TW// rape

raping the girls.

Instagram is full of spammers who have nothing else to do than to trigger people with graphic content.

Now, how do you all manage to engage with all this bullshit while in your safe space? Please, guys, take care of yourselves. Your mental health is important!

Plus, but this is just a curiosity of mine, why do tons of people hate Maya?

Always on twitter, I saw the thread "confessions that can get your bandori card revoked", and I felt sad that most of the comments about Maya were hateful ones... She's precious...