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July 15, 2020 17:07:21 +0000 (UTC)

    Hello! Today I'm going to be asking two main questions involving gaining stars that I have never...

Hello! Today I'm going to be asking two main questions involving gaining stars that I have never quite found the answers to.

  1. My sister used to play the game as well as me, but not as often. She took a hiatus for a while, and when she came back, after every single multilive 95% of the time she would get 50+ stars for getting S or SS. I, on the other hand, play very often and yet its become very rare for me to get any stars at all from playing multilives despite getting S or SS. Why is that?

  2. Next, I decided to try to fc difficulties above normal to get stars. At first, I received stars for it, but after 6 fcs, they stopped giving me stars. Its been like this ever since : Image .

Is it that the more you play the harder the game tried to make it for you to get stars? It's been getting harder and harder to get stars and I don't know why. I've been wondering about this for a long time and I would like clarification. If anyone has an answer, I would appreciate it!