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July 07, 2020 04:39:02 +0000 (UTC)


So I've seen a lot of new people here (welcome!), and I thought of reintroducing myself!

Hello! My Banpa name's Chomama (not comfortable sharing my real name haha), and here are some facts about me!

Bandori and Garupa info:

  • Arisa, Tsukushi, Nanami, Maya, Eve, and Aya are my best girls of all time and nothing's gonna change that

➡️ If I had to pick one of the 6, it would be Arisa :)

  • My favourite bands are Harohapi and Popipa, with Pasupare and Morfonica closely tagging behind

  • I've been playing Garupa on EN from August 23, 2018, and JP from September 23, 2019 (it's almost been 2 years!)

  • I have 28 4*s on EN, and 22 on JP

  • Currently I've FC'd all level 27 songs (excluding full songs) but two (Louder and Zettai Sengen), and I've also FC'd a couple 28s and even AP'd a couple experts

  • I'm the absolute worst at solos, I don't even try doing them unless it's free or on a mere reroll (Fun fact: I solo'd Rokka's 4* in the free solo, but on a reroll I'll never use)

  • Currently saving for Halloween Arisa! (Or her Railgun card, if it comes early)

  • My favourite Bandori song is Returns, with Home Street at a close second

About me irl:

  • I'm 13

  • I share a birthday with Arisa

  • I'm left handed

  • Sugar cookies are my favourite snack

  • I'm lazy as heck

  • I LOVE drawing (you'll see me post some of my drawings often—I sketch with a pencil and draw semi chibis cause they're perfectly balanced)

  • Ummm, I don't really have a dream right now, I guess? It's kinda hard picking a career I'd have in the future, though law is kinda interesting!

  • I love orange juice—my dad buys it cause he doesn't like me having soda lol

  • I'm Muslim

  • I have social anxiety, so it's kinda hard making a first impression irl, though I can ramble for hours online XD

  • I've started learning Japanese since September of 2018. I never thought I'd come this far, cause rn I'm a semi intermediate, which, still, isn't even close to a native speaker

  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE anime. Although Bandori is a really amazing anime, my favourite of all time would be Full Moon Wo Sagashite (some of you might've heard about me rambling about it lol), and my favourite character there is Yui Meroko! She's a cutie bun!

Uhhhh so that's all I got! I probably have more stuff on my profile that I haven't mentioned here, so welp :P