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June 10, 2020 07:48:58 +0000 (UTC)

Everyone is talking about their RAS pulls and omg good luck!! The cards are really pretty, so I hope...

Everyone is talking about their RAS pulls and omg good luck!! The cards are really pretty, so I hope everyone who are going to scout will get them! uwu. But today, I wasn’t scouting for them, I was scouting for Wedding Eve! I waited until the event is over so that I could have lot of stars just for her and OMG SHE CAME HOME!! IN LIKE 3 PULLS WHAT?! AHHH IM SOOO HAPPY, I COULD CRY LOL. I’m so so so happy and excited, you guys don’t even know XD I’m just so soo grateful haha! >~< Oh and of course, thank you for coming home Ako!! This card is very pretty and I’m happy to have her!! If anyone is still scouting for this box, I hope that Eve, Kasumi, and Tsugu will come home to you!! <3 Last thing, BUSHIDOOOO!! (•̀ᴗ•́)و